Donald Trump the US president has managed to get the Supreme court to let his travel ban take place this is quite frankly disgusting since he is making sure people from typically Muslim countries are not allowed into America, this is an obvious displace of Islamophobia, in my opinion, this should not have gone through this is representing America in a bad light vividly showing that Americans do not want Islamic people in their country and it is understandable as to why they may be skeptical because of groups like ISIS however completely discriminating against a religion is not the right way in which Donald Trump should deal with terrorism this just makes him look like he is Islamophobic.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Oxford Street 'security alert' chaos WAS sparked by 'gunshot' claim according to leaked memo on Black Friday investigation
This title and image were taken from the daily mirror reporting the alleged gunshot that was fired on black friday in the tube. Later on it was revealed that there was no evidence of guns in the area, nine people were injured since many were rushing away from this gunshot noise. There are now questions raised whether it could have been handled better.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
What type of psychographic am I ?
In my opinion i am a mixture of an aspirer and an explorer and a mainstreamer because i love to wear designer brands and look stylish and be a 'hypebeast' (however i have no money to be one) but i also like to wear things that no one else does since you get more attention and since you have things that others do not and therefore they envy it. An example of the aspirer within me is seeing celebrities wear nice shoes for example Jordan 1's and so i bought a pair but an example of the explorer in me is buying hoodies that no one has that also look cool. Besides clothes i'm pretty mainstream for example having an Iphone and watching tv shows that others recommend.
Types of psychographic audiences
Mainstreamers: These make up 40% of the population. They like security, tried and trusted brands, and they like to think the belong to a group of like minded people. They are persuaded by value for money and are less likely to take risks
Aspirers: This group want status and prefer brands that show their place in society. They are happy to live on credit and will buy designer label items. They are stylish and dynamic and may be persuaded by celebrity endorsement.
Explorers: Like to discover new things. They are attracted by brands that offer new experience and instant results
Succeeders: People who already have status and control, and have nothing to prove. They prefer brands that are serious and reliable and believe that they deserve the best
Reformers: This group are defined by their self esteem an self fulfillment. They tend to be innovative and are less impressed by status. They are not materialistic and are socially aware. They may be more inclined to buy brands that are environmentally friendly or those that are considered healthy.
What do you think you are?
Monday, 20 November 2017
3 music video comparison
50 Cent - Candy Shop ft Olivia
From the first scene we can interpret that 50 Cent has money, since he is driving an expensive car this also connotes that he has power because stereotypically money equals power. The next scene we see is 50 opening the door to a mansion and inside are scandalously dressed women instantly representing women as sexual objects along with this the first woman says to 50 'Welcome to the candy shop' since the room is filled with with women you can link that in the music video these women are 'Candies' and the connotations with candy are that they are sweet and cheap and since the mansion is a 'Candy shop' we this could be interpreted as brothel, also 50 says the lyrics 'i'll let you lick my lollipop' this is clearly referring to his penis, this represents the women in this music video as being a one time use object since candy is only a one time use. In my opinion this music video is clearly not for the empowerment of women since they are not portrayed modestly and are dressed in a stipper like fashion. However at the end of the music video we see that 'The Candy Shop' is actually a burger drive thru and 50 is just daydreaming which stereotypes men as being only obsessed with sex.
Eminem - Ass like that
From the title you can infer what song is about before the music video even begins. In the music video Eminem talks about women with big bums and states 'i ain't ever seen an ass like dat' this represents women in a way that they are sexualised since they are only used in this music video to highlight their assets i.e and big bum. Throughout the music video it changes from real people into 'Muppets' like people which gives the music video comedic value; this could also mean that this music video is not to be taken 100% seriously since the art style changes for comedic value. However, Eminem does still talk about women in a sexualised and objectifiying manner, in my opinion the music is not meant for the empowerment of women but it doesn't exploit women to an extent since they are turned into puppets and they aren't dressed like strippers or dancing like strippers they are just dancing how women in a club typically would.Aretha Franklin - Respect
This music video is for the empowerment of women since all she does is ask for respect and even states that she know what she has and she knows that we (men) want it but asked for respect first. This music video does not represent her as a stripper or a dancer but as a 'normal' woman asking for respect and not to be treated in a objectifying manner. Since the music video was taken from the 1960s you don't typically expect amazing quality and good visuals so the music video is simple and of her just singing so clearly this is not a negative representation of women in my opinion.Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Weekly News
North Korea have sparked ongoing fears of World War 3 because of the rogue state’s determination to build and test its arsenal of deadly nuclear weapons.
US President Donald Trump has engaged in a fiery war of words with North Korea’s despot leader Kim Jong-un, leaving experts to ponder on whether a genuine war is really possible.
Speaking to MSNBC’s Richard Engel, a retired four-star general revealed he believes there is a “51 per cent” chance of a war involving North Korea breaking out before “next summer”.
Summing up the interviewee’s comments, Engel said: “We are talking about the possibility of a nuclear war in our lifetimes, or at least a conventional war that could spread across Asia. (taken from
According to the express there is a 51% chance that world war 3 will happen before summer since Donald Trump has said lots of bad stuff insulting North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un and Kim Jong-un apparently has nuclear weapons ready to fire on America
I think that World War 3 is not going to happen for a while mostly because there is not really a need for war since Donald Trump is not the smartest when it comes to thinking before he speaks so i wouldn't think that Kim Jong-un would take it too personally?
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
weekly news
The jury heard that Ms Wallace was looking online at purchasing the sulfuric acid as well as searching if she can die by drinking acid and into acid attacks. If this is true this is a clear indication that she did indeed murder him since no one looks into the effects of acid attacks without reason to.
In my honest opinion i think she did it since jealousy is a very powerful emotion leading people to do stupid things i.e. murdering an ex. Her trial continues this thursday
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Representation of Issues
Issue: Islamophobia

The right wing newspapers typically use word linked to Islam like jihad and muslim to demonize them and force people to be scared of them, encouraging islamophobia. However newspapers tend to word their headlines in a way as if they are not actually stating it, they say it as if someone told them that they were jihadis or muslim terrorists, which could be true but instead of saying 'killers in the street' they label them to inspire fear for example 'jihadist killers on our streets' which insights further hate and fear.
Whereas left wing newspaper tend to not inspire hate against muslims they tend to be more on their side and not demonize them and categorize them as all terrorists and try to see things from their perspective for example this headline stating that the media and politicians 'fuel rise in hate crimes against Muslims' which is arguing for the muslim point of view.

The right wing newspapers typically use word linked to Islam like jihad and muslim to demonize them and force people to be scared of them, encouraging islamophobia. However newspapers tend to word their headlines in a way as if they are not actually stating it, they say it as if someone told them that they were jihadis or muslim terrorists, which could be true but instead of saying 'killers in the street' they label them to inspire fear for example 'jihadist killers on our streets' which insights further hate and fear.
Whereas left wing newspaper tend to not inspire hate against muslims they tend to be more on their side and not demonize them and categorize them as all terrorists and try to see things from their perspective for example this headline stating that the media and politicians 'fuel rise in hate crimes against Muslims' which is arguing for the muslim point of view.
Monday, 6 November 2017
faye work
Platinum standard whey protein.
"Excel and succeed with your body!"
"Excel and succeed with your body!"
Platinum standard whey protein is a protein shake like none other before. Most shakes everywhere will have chemicals, sweetners and artificial colours in them. This is our purest blend of whey protein that will help build muscle and help with muscle recovery for after your training sessions.
Protein shakes work by giving the muscles in the body protein to either help fix the muscle fibers to repair and rebuild the muscle but the protein will fill the tears in the muscle making the muscle bigger when the muscle fibers reconstruct themselves. Also humans need protein in their diet for muscles to grow or maintain and not shrink in size. Without it the body may become malnourished and may cause health problems.
You may find with other shakes that when you mix it with a liquid substance it may struggle to mix properly and form clumps which can ruin the taste for you. We gave made sure to to micronize the powder as small as we can to ensure that there are no clumps to ruin the shake for you.
The average amount of protein in other shakes is around 21g. However ours contains 29g of protein and has very little carbs in to help you maintain lean muscle and not put on any excess weight. Also you may find some shakes will contain a lot of calories whitch could also cause more unnecessary weight to be put on so we've managed to keep our calaries at 50 per serving. The average is about 120 calories. So overall we beat our competition with more protein and less calories for the same average price that they sell theirs at!
This shake is aimed at anyone who is training regularly whether that be gym or sports to help you build muscle and reach your potential. Recommended age is 18+ as any protein shake may intefer with growth and development for younger people and we want to make sure everyone can grow and reach the physique that they want.
This product comes in a variety of flavours so everyone can pick and choose what they'd like to make getting healthier a bit more enjoyable!
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Representation of Age

high school musical's representation of age shows teenagers to be carefree and show their problems. In the film/films we see how teens are shown to be innocent and they don't really get into any kind of trouble with drugs or violence. Compared to how teens really are this representation of youth isn't really that accurate since they look only at the good things in school like friendships and relationships. However Kidulthood's representation of age show teenagers as thugs and hoodlums since they do drug deals bring out knives on people, steal, drink, have sex and more. This gives a really negative representation of teens in society, for the older generation of people who haven't experienced the things the people in the movie have leading them to stereotype teenagers to all being like this.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Saturday, 28 October 2017
How women are represented in the movie Headhunters
The movie headhunters or hodejegerne is a movie about a corporate recruiter named Roger Brown who is also a thief who sneaks into people's homes and steals valuable artwork to pay for his wife's ,Diana Brown, expensive lifestyle. However he sneaks into the wrong person's' house and gets caught and is being hunted by Clas Greve ,a former mercenary, who he tried to steal from.
There are only three women in this movie: Diana (played by Synnøve Macody Lund) who is Roger's wife, Lotte (played by Julie R. Ølgaard) who is the woman Roger is having an affair with and Natasja (played by Valentina Alexeeva) who is a prostitute that Ove is sleeping with.
The first time we are introduced to Diana she is naked in the shower, from the first scene we see a woman in she is naked clearly sexualising her to show Roger's status as a man, to further back up my point he even say that he is overcompensating for his height by having a beautiful wife. In a scene only a few seconds later we see that Diana has a walk in wardrobe clearly showing that they have money and the narration that goes behind the scene says that even though Roger doesn't like it and cant afford it he does it for her, which would make the audience feel that Diana is only interested in money and status and is only with Roger for his money.
The next woman we see is Lotte and she is in a sex scene with Roger this clearly makes Roger disloyal and dishonest and clearly sees women as objects of pleasure, and as soon as Lotte ask him to come to dinner with her he instantly ends the affair making it look like she's worthless and meant nothing to him which she clearly didn't.
After this we have a scene where Roger is in a conference discussing taking on a new ceo at his company, a few seconds later we are taking to Diana's art gallery in which she is talking a socialising and being good host making the audience see her as a nice kind-hearted woman. After this it shift to a scene where Diana and Roger are discussing a famous painting that it worth millions clearly showing that she is an intelligent upper class woman.
The next scene we have is of Ove and Natasja and the are naked firing blank shots at each other. Natasja is a prostitute so from that we can infer that women are objectified and used only as sexual device.
Overall the movie is a good movie with a strong storyline and thrilling aspect however the hypersexualisation of women through the movie is very wrong about depicting women as sexual objects from a woman's point of view i can see that its wrong.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
8 Questions
1) Write down five slogans for products recently advertised.
I'm lovin it - McDonalds
Finger Lickingg Good - KFC
Just do it - Nike
Eat fresh - Subway
Have it your way - Burger king
2)Which advertisers have used shock tactics lately and why are they shocking?
Barnardos have used shock tatics in their advert "the row" its shocking because in the advert you see a child listening to the parents fighting and the narrator says that the child s afraid of his dad hitting him so he hides this creates a shock to the audience since they wouldnt expect to see a child on tv being a victim of possible abuse.
3)Find an advert whereby you can justify Maslow's hierarchy of needs in play
The dasani water ad, this ad shows the physiological need in maslow's hierarchy. The way in which this is portrayed is that water is very important and it is impossible to survive without therefore meaning you need to buy water or else you will die.
4)Write down as many stereotypes found in advertising as you can, try to link them to
actual campaigns.
women as a sexual object: Lynx ads of 1980/90's
black men are thugs: Welcome to the jungle
Women are only for the house: shake'n'vac
5)Find an example of intertextuality in an advert.
An example of intertextuality in an advert is: the absolut vodka ads since they make the shape of a bottle or a silhouette out of anything and they write a pun below it for example

6)Find as many different uses for music in adverts as you can.
In the trailer for a game called Gears of War they use the song mad world by Michael Andrews and through the trailer the images and the music together makes an image of a 'Mad world'.
In the Barnardos 'The Row' advert this overall music is sad and set a tone for sadness this along with the images puts an overall sad advert together.
7)Give an example of an elite person in a current advertising campaign.
An example of an elite person in an ad campaign is Usain bolt in the virgin media broadband commercials since he is the fastest man in the would it make people believe they are getting the fastest internet in the world.
8) Find five examples of “reward and punishment” persuasion in current campaigns.
Pantene cream says that it will make you look younger
Lynx spray says that if you use it tons of girls will flock to you
Iams this brand makes the cat food make it the elitist cat food on the market saying that buying this ill be the best for your cat and without it your cat will only look up to those who eat iams
Apple if you have an apple product you will have the best out there if not then you will be "looked down upon"
Playstation as they say that the ps4 is 'for the players' also meaning without one you are not a gamer and that with a ps4 you become a player
I'm lovin it - McDonalds
Finger Lickingg Good - KFC
Just do it - Nike
Eat fresh - Subway
Have it your way - Burger king
2)Which advertisers have used shock tactics lately and why are they shocking?
Barnardos have used shock tatics in their advert "the row" its shocking because in the advert you see a child listening to the parents fighting and the narrator says that the child s afraid of his dad hitting him so he hides this creates a shock to the audience since they wouldnt expect to see a child on tv being a victim of possible abuse.
3)Find an advert whereby you can justify Maslow's hierarchy of needs in play
The dasani water ad, this ad shows the physiological need in maslow's hierarchy. The way in which this is portrayed is that water is very important and it is impossible to survive without therefore meaning you need to buy water or else you will die.
4)Write down as many stereotypes found in advertising as you can, try to link them to
actual campaigns.
women as a sexual object: Lynx ads of 1980/90's
black men are thugs: Welcome to the jungle
Women are only for the house: shake'n'vac
5)Find an example of intertextuality in an advert.
An example of intertextuality in an advert is: the absolut vodka ads since they make the shape of a bottle or a silhouette out of anything and they write a pun below it for example
6)Find as many different uses for music in adverts as you can.
In the trailer for a game called Gears of War they use the song mad world by Michael Andrews and through the trailer the images and the music together makes an image of a 'Mad world'.
In the Barnardos 'The Row' advert this overall music is sad and set a tone for sadness this along with the images puts an overall sad advert together.
7)Give an example of an elite person in a current advertising campaign.
An example of an elite person in an ad campaign is Usain bolt in the virgin media broadband commercials since he is the fastest man in the would it make people believe they are getting the fastest internet in the world.
8) Find five examples of “reward and punishment” persuasion in current campaigns.
Pantene cream says that it will make you look younger
Lynx spray says that if you use it tons of girls will flock to you
Iams this brand makes the cat food make it the elitist cat food on the market saying that buying this ill be the best for your cat and without it your cat will only look up to those who eat iams
Apple if you have an apple product you will have the best out there if not then you will be "looked down upon"
Playstation as they say that the ps4 is 'for the players' also meaning without one you are not a gamer and that with a ps4 you become a player
Sunday, 15 October 2017
Dove Ad campaign; Are you beautiful or average?
Overall i think the ad is effective at what its trying to do, to inspire women into believe their true beauty however most women wouldn't want to seem shallow to seem that beauty if only at face value and how they look, and they believe that they are beautiful and everyone should think so, so going through the average door makes you seem more humble and more aware of what others think which is the opposite of what the ad is trying to do.
Although the ad was effective it did receive some backlash because some people thought of the advert that in order to go through the beautiful door you need to buy "dove" products and some people thought that was defeating the object of believing in yourself.
The Row: Barnardos advert
Barnardos: The Row advert
In the advert they use a child in order to tug on your heart strings this would make you more sympathetic to the child's situation and would make you more likely to donate to help any other child in that situation.
Within the first 10 seconds of the advert the child is depicted to be innocently doing his homework which would make him seem to be more of a nicer child since he follows the rules of doing homework along with that the music in the background is one of subtlety and has a classical feel to it this type of sound is one that is typically linked to sadness meanwhile the narrator is talking about the boys current situation saying that the "rows" his parents have are unexpected and upsetting to him and the boy's(jamie) response to the rows are to cover his ears so he doesn't hear the all the while the narrator is saying that these rows deeply upset jamie since he goes under his staircase in order to not be found by his dad who hits his mum afraid whether he's going to be next or not the director of this advert uses this feeling or fear factor and sympathy in or to compel people into supporting the cause since no one would or should want a child to be in this situation. The narrator uses words like mum and dad to make it seem more childlike since children say mum and dad so the advert may not only be addressing the parents but children as well since the children would also try to persuade their parents to donate since they would be able to empathise since they are also children like"jamie". Just before the advert comes to an end the narrator emphasises to donate two pounds a month to the charity if they want to help children like jamie, almost making people feel guilty if they don't.
In the advert they use a child in order to tug on your heart strings this would make you more sympathetic to the child's situation and would make you more likely to donate to help any other child in that situation.
Within the first 10 seconds of the advert the child is depicted to be innocently doing his homework which would make him seem to be more of a nicer child since he follows the rules of doing homework along with that the music in the background is one of subtlety and has a classical feel to it this type of sound is one that is typically linked to sadness meanwhile the narrator is talking about the boys current situation saying that the "rows" his parents have are unexpected and upsetting to him and the boy's(jamie) response to the rows are to cover his ears so he doesn't hear the all the while the narrator is saying that these rows deeply upset jamie since he goes under his staircase in order to not be found by his dad who hits his mum afraid whether he's going to be next or not the director of this advert uses this feeling or fear factor and sympathy in or to compel people into supporting the cause since no one would or should want a child to be in this situation. The narrator uses words like mum and dad to make it seem more childlike since children say mum and dad so the advert may not only be addressing the parents but children as well since the children would also try to persuade their parents to donate since they would be able to empathise since they are also children like"jamie". Just before the advert comes to an end the narrator emphasises to donate two pounds a month to the charity if they want to help children like jamie, almost making people feel guilty if they don't.
Sunday, 8 October 2017
Encoding and Decoding
What is encoding and
In computers, encoding is the process of
putting a sequence of characters (letters, numbers, punctuation, and certain symbols) into a
specialized format for efficient transmission or storage. Decoding is the
opposite process - the conversion of an encoded format back into the original
sequence of characters. (google search)
Stuart Hall’s meaning of encoding and
decoding is how media messages are produce circulated and consumed proposing a
new theory of communication. He argued that the meaning is not fixed and can be
interpreted in anyway that the person or people interpreting it want it to be.
Here is a video to help you understand just in case you don't get it :)
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
How shot types and angles create meaning
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EWS extreme wide shot
The view is so far from the subject that he isn't even visible. Often used as an establishing shot. This is an example:
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VWS (Very Wide Shot)
The subject is visible (barely), but the emphasis is still on placing him in his environment.
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WS (Wide Shot)
The subject takes up the full frame, or at least as much as comfortably possible.
AKA: long shot, full shot.
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MS (Mid Shot)
Shows some part of the subject in more detail while still giving an impression of the whole subject.
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MCU (Medium Close Up)
Half way between a MS and a CU.
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Noddy Shot
Usually refers to a shot of the interviewer listening and reacting to the subject.
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Weather Shot
The subject is the weather. Can be used for other purposes, e.g. background for
1. The Bird's-Eye view
This shows a scene from directly overhead, a
very unnatural and strange angle. Familiar objects viewed from this angle might
seem totally unrecognisable at first (umbrellas in a crowd, dancers' legs).
This shot does, however, put the audience in a godlike position, looking down
on the action. People can be made to look insignificant, ant-like, part of a
wider scheme of things. Hitchcock is fond of this style of shot.
2. High Angle
Not so extreme as a bird's eye view. The
camera is elevated above the action using a crane to give a general overview.
High angles make the object photographed seem smaller, and less significant (or
scary). The object or character often gets swallowed up by their setting - they
become part of a wider picture.
Eye Level
A fairly neutral shot; the camera is
positioned as though it is a human actually observing a scene, so that eg
actors' heads are on a level with the focus. The camera will be placed
approximately five to six feet from the ground.
Low Angle
These increase height and give a sense of
speeded motion. Low angles help give a sense of confusion to a viewer, of
powerlessness within the action of a scene. The background of a low angle shot
will tend to be just sky or ceiling, the lack of detail about the setting
adding to the disorientation of the viewer. The added height of the object may
make it inspire fear and insecurity in the viewer, who is psychologically
dominated by the figure on the screen.
Oblique/Canted Angle
Sometimes the camera is tilted (I.e. is not
placed horizontal to floor level), to suggest imbalance, transition and
instability (very popular in horror movies). This technique is used to suggest
POINT-OF-View shots (I.e. when the camera becomes the 'eyes' of one particular
character, seeing what they see — a hand held camera is often used for this.
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the bridge breakdown of points
In The Bridge S3:E1, narrative elements are used to position audiences and create audience pleasure, identification and responses. The use ...
In my opinion i am a mixture of an aspirer and an explorer and a mainstreamer because i love to wear designer brands and look stylish and be...
Drake's God's plan is a song (based on the lyrics) is about how it's God's will that he succeeds in life even though pe...
Welcome to the jungle Welcome to the jungle is a lynx advertisation released in 2015 with the hashtag bring the quiet. ...