I'm lovin it - McDonalds
Finger Lickingg Good - KFC
Just do it - Nike
Eat fresh - Subway
Have it your way - Burger king
2)Which advertisers have used shock tactics lately and why are they shocking?
Barnardos have used shock tatics in their advert "the row" its shocking because in the advert you see a child listening to the parents fighting and the narrator says that the child s afraid of his dad hitting him so he hides this creates a shock to the audience since they wouldnt expect to see a child on tv being a victim of possible abuse.
3)Find an advert whereby you can justify Maslow's hierarchy of needs in play
The dasani water ad, this ad shows the physiological need in maslow's hierarchy. The way in which this is portrayed is that water is very important and it is impossible to survive without therefore meaning you need to buy water or else you will die.
4)Write down as many stereotypes found in advertising as you can, try to link them to
actual campaigns.
women as a sexual object: Lynx ads of 1980/90's
black men are thugs: Welcome to the jungle
Women are only for the house: shake'n'vac
5)Find an example of intertextuality in an advert.
An example of intertextuality in an advert is: the absolut vodka ads since they make the shape of a bottle or a silhouette out of anything and they write a pun below it for example
6)Find as many different uses for music in adverts as you can.
In the trailer for a game called Gears of War they use the song mad world by Michael Andrews and through the trailer the images and the music together makes an image of a 'Mad world'.
In the Barnardos 'The Row' advert this overall music is sad and set a tone for sadness this along with the images puts an overall sad advert together.
7)Give an example of an elite person in a current advertising campaign.
An example of an elite person in an ad campaign is Usain bolt in the virgin media broadband commercials since he is the fastest man in the would it make people believe they are getting the fastest internet in the world.
8) Find five examples of “reward and punishment” persuasion in current campaigns.
Pantene cream says that it will make you look younger
Lynx spray says that if you use it tons of girls will flock to you
Iams this brand makes the cat food make it the elitist cat food on the market saying that buying this ill be the best for your cat and without it your cat will only look up to those who eat iams
Apple if you have an apple product you will have the best out there if not then you will be "looked down upon"
Playstation as they say that the ps4 is 'for the players' also meaning without one you are not a gamer and that with a ps4 you become a player
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