Tuesday 23 January 2018

Weekly News

News article from BBC news posted 5pm 23/01/2018
This article, as the headline of it, states that Boris Johnson is rebuked(strong disapproval of one's actions) over a plea for cash for the NHS since he was a strong Brexit supporter which is proven by the quote " Vote Leave - of which Mr. Johnson was a leading supporter". The article says that Boris Johnson has asked for money even though he claimed that the country would be saving more money since the UK was giving 350 million pounds a week to the EU, which by leaving we could put that money back into the NHS, this is justified by the quote "claimed £350m went to the EU each week and money could instead go to the NHS, a claim he has repeatedly defended since."
The guardian also argues the same points and is very similar to what the BBC says.

In my opinion although Boris Johnson might be somewhat contradictory since he's asking for money even though he said that after we left the EU we would have left over savings since we wouldn't be giving money over to them, however its not really necessary for the backlash that he's received from asking for money that would overall benefit the country as a whole.


  1. You've gone into lots of detail about content however perhaps for your comparison look at a more right-wing source so that you have some more comparable differences.

  2. Include more comparisons and examples, as well as a bit more context, however well written, could flow easier if you didn't head each paragraph and let it flow.


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In The Bridge S3:E1, narrative elements are used to position audiences and create audience pleasure, identification and responses. The use ...