Reception theory
Stuart Hall (1980)Within the theory it states that media texts are encoded by producers meaning that whoever produces the text has put in values and messages, the text in then decoded by the audience however different audiences will decode different texts in multiple ways.
A text can be decoded in one of three different ways
- Dominant or preferred reading
- When the audience interprets the meaning exactly how the producer intended to
- Negotiated reading
- Where the audience goes through different sides of the argument and tries to look at different perspectives, they may agree and disagree with some points
- Oppositional reading
- Completely rejects and disregards the producers intentions
- Preferred reading is that we would instantly want to go out and buy a BIg Mac
- Negotiated meaning is that we would want to go and get one however it might be bad for us
- Oppositional reading is that its unhealthy for us and and we won't go and get it
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