Monday, 15 January 2018

Weekly news

A news article from the BBC
Within this news article, it discusses that Donald Trump has said some racist things at a meeting on what to do with illegal immigrants. He has alleged said hours after the meeting, reports emerged that Mr. Trump had asked: "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" The US should be taking in migrants from countries like Norway, he is reported to have said. Accounts suggest that when Mr. Trump was told that the largest groups of immigrants with that status were from El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti, the president responded: "Haitians? Do we need more Haitians?" 

Throughout this news post, there were three videos, the first one is how Trump voters rate his first presidential year, the second is on how the American people feel about what he and allegedly said and the last one is on the impact and how people feel about his immigration policy.

In my opinion, Trump probably did say those things since he is known for being a president who speaks his mind, however, the way it came out was not necessarily in a nice way so he is trying to cover up his tracks by saying the allegations are false but only time will tell. 

1 comment:

  1. Dante going forward include the videos so that your readers can experience what you have and make more sense of your posting. Where is the CCCEO?
    What has Donald Trump said before that could be construed as racist or defamatory to another member or group within society.


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