Life on Mars, in brief, is about a white man named Sam Tyler who within the show gets hit by a car and gets put into a coma but he believes he's travelled back in time which is part of the enigma since the audience doesn't know whether he has travelled back in time or whether it is his subconscious or whether he is in a state of limbo.
In the first scene we are shown multiple cars most being police cars this would indicate to most people that the show is about the police force since the title of the show is very ambiguous, but the title actually comes from David Bowe's song "Life on Mars"; which also features within the show at the point where Sam gets taken back to 1973. Also within the first scene, the camera is at wheel height with a lower point of view, therefore, leading the audience to try and deduce whats happening.
In the opening of the show, we see Sam Tyler as the head of the police force in 2006 and he is in the process of an interrogating a suspect in a murder. Within this scene, it highlights most of the modern technology of the time to foreshadow later events since when he travels back in time his lack of technology forces him to use his intuition there is also another scene in the opening that touches on Sam's lack of using his intuition.
The audience also is presented with many close ups, zoom in and outs, which are mainly focused on the detective and the suspects. This can show the importance of the character and their relevance to the case. In addition, mid shots were used especially when crumbs from a sandwich was dropped onto the evidence, which then cuts to an mid shot of Sam's face to see his reaction.
In life on mars the narrative switches when the new 1970 cop is introduced he acts as a “bad cop” to Sam’s portrayal of a good cop, within most detective shows we are giving a” good cop bad cop” Life on Mars represents this in a way where both characters are good cop and bad cop at times that can be seen when the first suspect doesnt reply and the 1970’s cop says he “got the information out of hr” however, when sam tried he attempted to talk to the suspec in a good manner there is a contradiction of roles later in the episode where Sam is portrayed as the bap cop and the 1970’s cop is protrayed as the good cop when they were wuestiong an old woman. This representtation of ying and yang and that they are both the side cop but are different,
In concluson Life on Mars presents the audience with a mystery and a semse of character development which would entice an audienxe ro continue
Friday, 21 September 2018
statement of aims
Brief 4: Music marketing
Juice WRLD- I'm Still
Music video
magazine cover
record label
Cash money production
two locations
the woods to connote deep thought and environment in addition to providing a darker setting to match the flow and feeling of the song.
A school for the because it's relevant to a high school break up and heart break since heartbreaks and relationships happen in schools more often.
- two or more filming locations
- wide range of camera shots, angles and movement to interpret the music and lyrics
- shots of artist or band to establish a clear identity/image
- performance footage
- representation of at least one social group
- clear structure with an element of narrative
- editing or original footage to the music track
- graphics depicting the original name of artist
My other song choice is Mercury by Ghostmane since the song is very bossy and erratic it makes it easier to convey darker and much heavier emotion, the music video will most likely have lots of dark elements to link with the heavy bass, furthermore there will be lots of touches to songs will heavy bass and going off what they do in their music videos for example Scarlxrd makes very similar music so inspiration will come from his music video like similar locations and similar dark clothing. I intend on using multiple camera techniques for this video and first of all i decided to focus on camera movement techniques as this is what can make the music video effective or not in presenting the mood of the song. Furthermore the clothes i will be wearing will consist of 2 or more outfits across the scenes do keep the video itself fresh and interesting within every cut to different scenes to keep the audiences interested throughout. The camera movement techniques i will use are: Action shot (matching the camera movement to the tempo of the song or the movements of the artist themselves), In and out shot (moving away and toward the artist), Semi Circle (moving left and right around the artist but not all the way around), Full Circle (Circle all around the artist) and Tracking Shot (any angle following the artist).
My final song is I'm Still by Juice WRLD since the song is very deep and heartfelt I decided to use the woods to make the music video have a more environmental feel in order to make people think about their surroundings as i edit my music video it will start black and white since that matches the tone of the song. Followed by a switch up to normal colouration to match the lyrics in the song which states that he's still okay even after everything there will also be a recording of a break up scene to show video representation of the break up aspect of the song.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Wateraid vs Oxfam
WaterAid Vs Oxfam

WaterAid is an international non-profit organization that was set up in 1981 as a response to the UN International Drinking Water & Sanitation decade (1981–1990).
The organization was first established by the UK water industry on 21 July 1981 as a charitable trust at their main office premises in London. As of 2013, WaterAid had fundraising offices located in Australia, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States while working in 27 countries worldwide. Activities involve providing people with clean water, safe sanitation, and hygiene education. By 1987 its income exceeded £1 million per annum, and its 2005-2006 accounts recorded an income of £26.9 million. In 2011-12, it raised £55.8m in the UK and spent £54m.
This is an example advert done by Water aid.
Within the advert, they specifically try to encourage sympathy and empathy to the people shown in the video, for example, the first scene is of a young boy drinking unclean water from what looks to be a muddy puddle the non diegetic voice introduces the little boy by his first name this is done in order to force an emotional attachment since we know his name connoting with friendship and would make more sympathetic audiences want to help their 'friend' by giving to water aid in order to help him. The non-digetic voice then says that he needs help and that he drinks dirty water every day (using the word dirty both connotes that the water is undrinkable and that it's a struggle to live with) then the voice sates that he has 'no choice' this is a common theme in the advert since they use two other people in bad suituations and that say they have no choice other than to live this way however from an oppositional reading what the audience sees and what actually happens in their day to day lives may be completely different. In my opinion Water aid is very convincing and good at inspiring both sympathy and empathy however it's very excessive since look at the most deprived cases and situations which could lead to negative connotations of African countries.

Oxfam is a confederation of 20 independent charitable organizations focusing on the alleviation of global poverty, founded in 1942 and led by Oxfam International. It is based in Oxford, England. Winnie Byanyima has been the executive director of Oxfam International since 2013. Oxfam's governance has repeatedly come under criticism. Its failing systems for accountability came to light in February 2018.
Within this advert Oxfam seem to make the advert less of a necessity to give compared to WaterAid because its more of a carefree vibe which makes it so that donataing feels more charitable than forced since the ocfam advert even though using a similar tactic to wateraid they have a different aesthetic by adding lighter music to connote happiness and a brighter future due to our help this is also paired with the brightness of the sun to connote a happy atmostsphere, the advert doesn't inspireas much sympathy and empathy in contrast to wateraid in my opinion, however that could be their way of getting audiences to donate since if someone really wanted to donate they would donate unconditionally and not need to see an advert designed to encourage empathy.
Both Oxfam and WaterAid both use non-diegetic voices in order to not distract focus from the 'product' which makes it easier to encourage donations since they are always focused on what they are donating towards. They also both use the first names of the people they focus on since it makes it personal which makes encouraging sympathy easier since the audience would know the people on a first name basis which would make the audience want to help. The difference between them is what their charities fight for Oxfam wants overall improvement like economic sustainability and education compared to WaterAid who want to help through providing water and sanitation.
In conclusion there is, not a better charity since they both want and do the same thing but how they do it in terms of adverts is different for example WaterAid emit an aura of desperation, that it's a necessity to act and without the help of the audience they will die; in contrast Oxfam have a much more lighthearted attitude in additon to an atmostsphere of desperation since they use more upbeat music which would connote happiness and would presumabily mkae the audience apsire to link the advert with giving as a charity and not as a need. In my opinion the audience is more likely to resonate with Oxfam since it's more upbeat and light-hearted but are more likely to give to WaterAid due to the advert sounding desperate and that the people in the advert need help also hearing that there are other in that situation paired with the sad music which would make most people want to donate.
Monday, 30 April 2018
Similar movies include
IT the reason for this is because of the mystery killer aspect however in our movie the audience and our characters don't know the killer's identity
Watchmen because within the movie it contains a deceptive who hunts down villains and serial killers and kills them and there a mega mystery involved in the storyline similarly to our story where we have two detectives who aim is to track down the killer however their aim is to lock up the killer
scream is similar to our movie because there is a mystery killer that detectives are trying to find out who it is. the killer also has a link towards the victims but we are using an unknown killer with ulterior motives

Watchmen because within the movie it contains a deceptive who hunts down villains and serial killers and kills them and there a mega mystery involved in the storyline similarly to our story where we have two detectives who aim is to track down the killer however their aim is to lock up the killer
3 3 differences
3 uses of mood boards
· Will help establish the basics of what you want. colour palettes, typography, the layout, images.
· They can help save time as after doing it you know roughly what you want to include.
· Mood boards are "fluid" meaning that although the final piece may be online you can do a mood board for any media platform making it very versatile.
3 uses of storyboards
· Helps to recognise the amount of time you'll need to produce whatever you are producing e.g. film or trailer.
· You roughly draw up the scenes needed so you know where to start and finish instead of just starting to film random bits here and there.
· Will help you to pre-visualise everything before you have started any actual production
3 differences between the two.
· A storyboard is specific to a set genre whereas a mood board will be of just a general subject.
· A mood board can be used to suggest a genre, colour scheme etc whereas a storyboard will show scenes and be more of a template.
· Mood boards will help you get a general idea of what you want however a storyboard will show you what production needs to be done.
Tuesday, 24 April 2018
Dizzee Rascal - Dream V Beyoncé - Formation
This song is about Dizzee rascal's life and his perspective and thoughts on what happened to him from when he was growing up as a child.
The music video for "Dream" starts with some building blocks, that have animals printed on them this could have connotations with his younger self-being more primal since he talks about his life and his aspirations as a child; the blocks then rotate to reveal the name "Dizzee Rascal". A children's music box tune plays as the camera zooms in on a woman at a piano, who says "Hello boys and girls, shall we see what Dizzee Rascal's up to today? He's such a rascal," this is a parody based on Annette Mills and Muffin the Mule Dizzee Rascal may have used this as a parody because this connotes with the theme of his upbringing as a child. She then starts playing the piano and the song starts. Dizzee appears out of a music box, and starts by wondering "how he's going to pull this off, man, without singing the dots." He then states that the track he's rapping on is "too sensible for him," this probably link to the fact that his life was rough and that his environment was not the most "sensible".
Then he starts rapping the song. Throughout the video, several incidents occur; two puppet men steal a TV, and the puppet police appear in a police car and beat the puppet thieves this aggressive act, even though shown in puppet form it doesn't take the police brutality that black people face lightly; conjointly these scenes are shown with a close up of the woman portraying Annette Mills gave a facial expression that shows surprise as to what she was seeing, the reason for this could have been used in order to show that it's not the normal thing people would see. Then another puppet spray paints a shop wall; two puppets walk on screen pushing prams one being a woman and the other a man reasoning for this is probably because you don't typically see baby fathers with their pushing around their children and Dizzee Rascal does pay homage to parents staying with their children.
The video ends with Dizzee climbing back into his music box, and the lady says "Goodbye, Dizzee, Goodbye, Boys and Girls, Goodbye..." and the building block logo appears again, and the video ends.
Overall the music video is a good way at portraying his life and his experiences and the way he has set up the music video is also good because it doesn’t take itself too seriously which is smart based on the things hes gone through.
Formation contains strong political criticism in its lyrics, being described by Los Angeles Times's Mikael Wood as "a statement of radical black positivity." It also was noted by Joseph Lamour who commented during a review for MTV that Formation is "a song whose lyrics are teeming with notions of empowerment and pride in her heritage as a black American with roots in Alabama and Louisiana." The song opens with rumbling sirens, in the opening lines, "Y'all haters corny with that Illuminati mess," the song addresses rumors about the singer's connection to popular conspiracy theories about the Illuminati. This synth effect appears as Beyoncé repeats the first verse "My daddy Alabama/ Momma Louisiana", NPR's Mandalit del Barco noted during the verse, Beyoncé represents her family roots, he said, "Her mother is from Louisiana, as she let us know in the song. This has always been a big part of her identity; it's not one that the mainstream focus is on. People talk about her not centering it." He also described the lines as an "unapologetic blackness.
In comparison with Dizzee Rascal who also embraces where he came from,his upbringing and his overall expirences makes these two songs lyrically similar however in terms of musci video Dizzee Rascal emits a satirical vibe which makes his upbringing even though serious easier for an audience to digest, which from a preffered reading stand point he may have done this to inspire children since the puppets and childlike characters are easier for kids to understand and empathise with. In contrast to Formation who goes for a stronger vivid way of expressing embrace this is seen from the dark colours BeyoncĂ© chooses to wear which could have connotations with a dark a mysterious undertone which in my opinion works well with the idea of the music video since she’s in New Orleans in the middle of the flood trying to unite African Americans which could have connotations with the title of the music video Formation which could mean for African Americans to all be together and stay in formation. However, she does typically argue the feminist route throughout the music video and wants female empowerment but the oppositional reading would argue the point that if thats her aim why would she dress in such provocative clothing but the negotiated reading would say that even though she dresses that way she shouldn’t be judged since its her body and her choice.
Overall the two music videos are good at what they try to inspire since Dream is made for people who need motivation to aspire to what they want in life and Formation is for the empowerment and the unity of women and African Americans.
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Weekly News
BBC Article 17/04/2018
Within this article, two MPs gave a speech revolving around anti-semitism saying that it is wrong and has no place in our society today, which I agree with since racism within society today should be outlawed due to there being no reason for it, the fact that it's still so prominent in society today is unacceptable and stupid because judging people based on something they have no control over is just dumb.
Within this article, two MPs gave a speech revolving around anti-semitism saying that it is wrong and has no place in our society today, which I agree with since racism within society today should be outlawed due to there being no reason for it, the fact that it's still so prominent in society today is unacceptable and stupid because judging people based on something they have no control over is just dumb.
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Weekly News
Daniel Holt has a law degree, an ambition to be a barrister – and cerebral palsy. He says his speech impediment has been seen by some as an issue but that he will fight to work in the only career that has ever interested him. Even though he has cerebral palsy he wants to become a barrister and I think that this is a good thing since it shows a good representation of disability since it shows overcoming adversity.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
RIOT - XXXtentacion
Riot by X is a song about how the world is changing and is going down the wrong direction and that we are divided amongst ourselves instead of being united, in addition, it has a lot of reference to ethnicity, prejudice, and discrimination.
The video starts out very dark since X and two other black people are hanging from a tree, with X wearing a gold chain, in addition to this scene, it transitions between different examples of black deaths as a result of discrimination such as Emmett Till and Rodney King and him swinging from the tree. The first bar start out 'You ever seen a nigga hung with a gold chain' this can have multiple interpretations; you can take it at face value since you will never see a black person hung with a gold chain or you could think that X is saying that since the 'gold chain' is a stereotypical representation of black 'gangsters' you would never see it around their necks in death since their possessions don't carry them towards the afterlife furthermore the gold chain could have connotations with status and wealth and the fact that being hung with it means that we carry our wealth with us into death but since it says 'you ever seen' means that its unrealistic you would see it.
The next prevelant scene is of black men in ski masks with torches this is directly synonymous with the KKK in their white hoods with torches, X then says 'niggas ask for peace in riots then bring violence' he is calling out hypocrisy since black people demand respect from the police and the government yet they still out robbing stores and causing violence even though that may be stereotypical since thats what the media shows on tv and in the news, just how black people are behaving since me personally didnt see white people being on the news for rioting or violence probably because they aren't stereotypically 'oppressed' as an ethnicity.
Throughout the music video there are many scenes of black men being beaten savagely on the count of racism most likely to highlight how recently this stuff was happening and that it is still prevelant since it flashes between different examples with the dates included; in addition to this the music video is shot with much darker lighting to further enhance the lyrics being heard so that there are direct connotations between audio and visual, X also uses very simple shots like close ups and medium shots to see emotions in detail. Even though the song is quite fast paced and short there's the use of slow motion which is a contrast between audio and visual.
Overall the music video is very dark which coincides with the tone of the song.
weekly news
Tasnim Lowe says her father has shown no remorse for murdering Lucy Lowe in a house fire in Telford - the town mired in fresh child sex abuse claims. Lucy was 16 and pregnant a second time by Azhar Ali Mehmood, 26, when she died in the blaze in 2000. West Mercia Police said it could not comment on specific cases. Lucy was legally incapable of consent when she was targeted and groomed by Mehmood at 12 years old. The taxi driver was jailed for 21 years for murdering Lucy, and her sister and mother, by pouring petrol inside the house and setting it alight, he was not prosecuted for sex crimes. I think that what the taxi driver did is disgusting since she was 12 years old at the time furthermore he shows no remorse for what he's done, also he murdered the woman who was mothering his children, personally i don't think he should ever get released from jail.
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
God's Plan ~ Drake
Drake's God's plan is a song (based on the lyrics) is about how it's God's will that he succeeds in life even though people are looking down/hating on him.
The music video starts with the budget being displayed on the screen which was $996,631.90 to some people this could be taken in a negative manner since it seems to show off how much money was spent however the money was used throughout the music video to be given out and used to benefit others, Stuart hall's reception theory shows that there are three readings of this the preferred reading is that people would be supportive of what Drake's doing for his community 'giving back' in a sense the negotiated reading would see this as both a charity but a way to make himself look better, the oppositional reading would see this as a publicity stunt to make himself look good. In my opinion, Drake already has status since he is one of the most if not the most known artist in the music scene so it wouldn't be necessary to make himself look good however if you are trying to do a charitable thing then why would you flaunt it and not just do it. The music video is actually not specified as a music video but as a film, this could explain why there was more medium and close-range shot which are typically used to connote emotion and feeling which gives a more story-telling aspect towards the whole music video;

Weekly news
Nikolas Cruz, 19, has admitted carrying out the attack and is charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder. The attack, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, is the deadliest US school shooting since 2012. It has re-ignited long-running debates about tougher firearm restrictions. Cruz has told police that he arrived on campus and began shooting students before abandoning his weapon and escaping, according to court documents. The FBI has admitted it received a tip-off about him last year. Throughout this vicious school shooting many of the children were snapchatting the horrible event which made this story even more devastating since it gave a first person view on their reactions and emotions. I think that without question gun laws should be tighter in America because 'fighting fire with fire' only makes more fire; from these statistics less people with gun ownership has correlation with less deaths.
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
weekly news
BBC News article
Mo Farah, 34, was travelling from Munich to Ethiopia in preparation for next month's London Marathon when the alleged incident took place. Mo Farah posted a video on Instagram saying "The guy is touching me up like crazy. Pure harassment. Pure, pure, harassment," Farah wrote. He later posted the 47-second video on social media with the caption "Sad to see racial harassment in this day and age. 2018...!!!!" In my opinion, it's really disgusting to see racial discrimination in 2018 since there have been so many movements and changes trying to end discrimination against other and what makes it worse is that the discrimination was aimed at one of the best runners Britain has ever had. A similar case is when the Jacksonville Jaguars (an NFL team) were kneeling against the national anthem since it doesn't represent African Americans but this was met with scrutiny by many people, for example, talk show hosts (Joe Walsh in particular) practically shrugged it off and said it didn't mean a thing and that they were acting out even though what the Jaguars were actually doing, in my opinion, was pretty brave to go against their country (so to speak) for their civil rights.
Monday, 5 March 2018
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
BBC News article
A motorist deliberately drove into a Somali woman twice in an anti-Muslim attack days after a bomb blast in London, a court heard. Zaynab Hussein was hit by Paul Moore's car in Leicester, moments before he tried to drive at a Somali girl, 12, Nottingham Crown Court was told. Mr. Moore, 21, set out to kill five days after the Parsons Green Tube attack last September, prosecutors said. Mr. Moore denies attempted murder but admits he was the driver. Ms. Hussein was taken to hospital with severe fractures to her pelvis, spine and breaks to her limbs. Comparing this case to the Finsbury Park mosque attack where one man died and nine others injured the defendant said he wanted to kill the labour leader but he unintentionally killed someone and injured nine people within both cases it could be argued that the idea of Islamophobia would have taken place within this two attacks according to
London's Met police recorded 1,260 incidents of Islamophobic hate crime in the 12 months to March 2017 which is an increase since 2016. In my opinion, this is probably an islamophobic crime since he ran over the girl twice and it's unlikely you would run someone over twice unintentionally.
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Article posted by the Independent (21/12/2017) (said to have no political endorsements)
Gaming is soon set to become a mental disorder written in the 11th edition of The International Classification of Diseases published by the World Health Organisation set to come out in 2018. The reasoning for this is because gaming is highly addictive. Vladimir Poznyak, a member of the WHO’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, spoke about the importance of recognising gaming disorder as an important issue.
“Health professionals need to recognise that gaming disorder may have serious health consequences,” he said. “Most people who play video games don’t have a disorder, just like most people who drink alcohol don’t have a disorder either. However, in certain circumstances overuse can lead to adverse effects.” (adverse effects not specified)
Another study was done by the University of Oxford's internet institute which was to find the percentage of gamers who had an addiction to gaming. They found that only 2-3% out of 19,000 gamers admitted to possessing symptoms from the American Psychiatric Association checklist of health symptoms. Within the study, there was no clear link that linked gaming to having negative effects.
In my opinion, gaming shouldn't be classified as a mental health disorder since, it gives another reason to deter people and parents from gaming. Being a gamer since I was young I wouldn’t say I am addicted to gaming even though I spend hours doing it however it is all up to interpretation since my reading is that of a negotiated one since I understand that people can become addicted to gaming but I dont think it should be classed as a mental disorder.
Tuesday, 6 February 2018
Weekly news
Article by BBC News
Molly McLaren, 23, died in a "frenzied" attack at the Dockside shopping centre in Chatham, Kent, on 29 June. Joshua Stimpson, 26, had admitted manslaughter but denied murder before his trial at Maidstone Crown Court. Sentencing him to a serve a minimum of 26 years in prison, Judge Adele Williams said: "This was a cruel, calculated and cowardly act." The judge told Stimpson, of Wouldham High Street in Rochester, he may never be released for his "wickedness". She added: "You slit her throat while repeatedly stabbing her. "You were determined to punish her for finishing with you. You were seeking revenge."
Joshua Stimpson and Molly Mclaren were together for 7 months before he murdered her, along with this he told the judge that he took his parents splitting up very harshly, however, psychiatrist Dr. Philip Joseph said he shows no sign of a personality disorder but does have narcissistic traits.In my opinion, stabbing someone 75 is an excessive amount, in addition, the fact it was his recent ex-makes it even crazier to happen
Wednesday, 31 January 2018
video game terminology work
Historical context
- Computer games as an industry is relatively new compared to other media
- Games can be played on multiple consoles : xbox, playstation, nintendo etc
- these enable the user to engage in multiplayer interactivity
- games used to just seen as a teenage thing but its now depicted for everyone
- playing computer games is now taken more seriously and getting the attention of more media
- video games regulation is a sensitive issue and there are regular reports regarding the content of video games
- the wider media tend to blame violent behaviour or lack of sociability of young people on video games
- until 2012 classification of video games was done by both PEGI and the BBFC but now its the VSC
The audience appeal of video games
- Video games are a different form of media and offer a different experience
- Play against friends
- play online
- interactive experience
- video games are typically role playing games
Key terms
- MMORPG- Massively multiplayer online role playing games
- Persistent worlds- a feature of MMORPG games, meaning that the game world continues even when the gamer is not a part of it. In this way the virtual world replica
- CRPG- computer role playing games
- Augmented reality- computer generated content overlaid on a real world environment commonly used in video games. Augmented reality hardware comes in many forms, including devices such as hand held devices and devices you wear, such as headsets
- Avatar the player's representation of themselves within the game
Gaming genres
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In my opinion i am a mixture of an aspirer and an explorer and a mainstreamer because i love to wear designer brands and look stylish and be...
Drake's God's plan is a song (based on the lyrics) is about how it's God's will that he succeeds in life even though pe...
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