Tuesday, 27 February 2018

BBC News article 

A motorist deliberately drove into a Somali woman twice in an anti-Muslim attack days after a bomb blast in London, a court heard. Zaynab Hussein was hit by Paul Moore's car in Leicester, moments before he tried to drive at a Somali girl, 12, Nottingham Crown Court was told. Mr. Moore, 21, set out to kill five days after the Parsons Green Tube attack last September, prosecutors said. Mr. Moore denies attempted murder but admits he was the driver. Ms. Hussein was taken to hospital with severe fractures to her pelvis, spine and breaks to her limbs. Comparing this case to the Finsbury Park mosque attack where one man died and nine others injured the defendant said he wanted to kill the labour leader but he unintentionally killed someone and injured nine people within both cases it could be argued that the idea of Islamophobia  would have taken place within this two attacks according to

London's Met police recorded 1,260 incidents of Islamophobic hate crime in the 12 months to March 2017 which is an increase since 2016. In my opinion, this is probably an islamophobic crime since he ran over the girl twice and it's unlikely you would run someone over twice unintentionally.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Article posted by the Independent  (21/12/2017) (said to have no political endorsements)
Gaming is soon set to become a mental disorder written in the 11th edition of The International Classification of Diseases published by the World Health Organisation set to come out in 2018. The reasoning for this is because gaming is highly addictive. Vladimir Poznyak, a member of the WHO’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, spoke about the importance of recognising gaming disorder as an important issue.
“Health professionals need to recognise that gaming disorder may have serious health consequences,” he said.  “Most people who play video games don’t have a disorder, just like most people who drink alcohol don’t have a disorder either. However, in certain circumstances overuse can lead to adverse effects.” (adverse effects not specified)
Another study was done by the University of Oxford's internet institute which was to find the percentage of gamers who had an addiction to gaming. They found that only 2-3% out of 19,000 gamers admitted to possessing symptoms from the American Psychiatric Association checklist of health symptoms. Within the study, there was no clear link that linked gaming to having negative effects.
In my opinion, gaming shouldn't be classified as a mental health disorder since, it gives another reason to deter people and parents from gaming. Being a gamer since I was young I wouldn’t say I am addicted to gaming even though I spend hours doing it however it is all up to interpretation since my reading is that of a negotiated one since I understand that people can become addicted to gaming but I dont think it should be classed as a mental disorder.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Weekly news

Article by BBC News 
Molly McLaren, 23, died in a "frenzied" attack at the Dockside shopping centre in Chatham, Kent, on 29 June. Joshua Stimpson, 26, had admitted manslaughter but denied murder before his trial at Maidstone Crown Court. Sentencing him to a serve a minimum of 26 years in prison, Judge Adele Williams said: "This was a cruel, calculated and cowardly act." The judge told Stimpson, of Wouldham High Street in Rochester, he may never be released for his "wickedness". She added: "You slit her throat while repeatedly stabbing her. "You were determined to punish her for finishing with you. You were seeking revenge." 
Joshua Stimpson and Molly Mclaren were together for 7 months before he murdered her, along with this he told the judge that he took his parents splitting up very harshly, however,  psychiatrist Dr. Philip Joseph said he shows no sign of a personality disorder but does have narcissistic traits.In my opinion, stabbing someone 75 is an excessive amount, in addition, the fact it was his recent ex-makes it even crazier to happen 

the bridge breakdown of points

In The Bridge S3:E1, narrative elements are used to position audiences and create audience pleasure, identification and responses. The use ...